On a regular basis we launch trained teams to go around the city to locations known for sexual exploitation. These are places like strip clubs, massage parlors, casinos, truck stops, bus stops, and tracks (streets known for prostitution). Our teams go into these places with a free gift sharing with each woman that she is precious and loved by God. Each gift has some special treats like makeup and an inspirational booklet. For our strip club outreaches, we bring baked goods with us. These are for the bouncers at the clubs. This is a great way to build relationships with the clubs, so that they let us in to speak with the women. For street outreach, we bring roses for each woman. This is often a special opportunity to share with her how special she is.
Each outreach requires a lot of supplies. If you or a group are interested in donating towards our outreaches follow the links below:
Sign up to donate supplies here.
Sign up to donate roses here.
Sign up for baked goods here.
If you would like to join our outreach preparation team sign up here.
For more information on how to get involved in outreach or join a team email info@awoministries.org.